My love affair with the grill continues since the weather has been unusually muggy (I know- ya'll over in the south have it worse but I'm a wimpy Cali girl!). Why stand in a hot kitchen when you can just stand outside with an ice cold glass of sauvignon blanc and have dinner on the table in a few minutes? I especially like the added bonus of delicious-smelling smoke wafting through the neighborhood. Something about barbeque smoke signals summer and the smoke that was coming out of my BBQ last weekend smelled oh-so good...thanks to OPAH.
I had Opah for the first time only two years ago. I had no idea what it was, but saw the gorgeous pink filets at Bristol Farms and just had to try them. It was love at first bite, although the Bristol prices have kept me from indulging too often. You can imagine my reaction when I saw the same, thick and glistening filets at How's Market the other day for about half the price of the Bristol Farm's fish. Reunited and it feels so good......reunited and it's understood.........Oops, ok I am getting off the point but I was ecstatic to find my Opah once again.
I tossed together a simple marinade of soy sauce, ginger, garlic, green onions, sesame oil, sake, mirin and sugar and let the opah soak up those flavors for an hour. The fish only took about 6 minutes to grill and we had a lovely dinner of opah, corn succotash and a fresh green salad. The next night we made fish tacos with the leftovers and today I am eating the remaining opah for lunch....which reminds me, it's time to eat!

Not to sound like the President of the Opah Promotions Board (if one existed), but if you haven't tried it and you get a chance, try Opah! It stands up well to marinades and, while it isn't as dense as swordfish, it doesn't fall apart one bit while grilling and is oh-so-tender!
Home cooking
Looks great. Does Opah taste fishy?
Eatdrinknbmerry: No, it doesn't taste fishy at all. In fact I served it to a friend who really hates fishy fish and she loved it.
looks amazing. i love avocado with anything.
opah (moonfish) is one of my favourite fishes, ever. in hawaii, you can get dried opah at this little market called tamashiro's;if you're ever there, seek it out, it's fantastic--thinly sliced, marinated in soy, sesame oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds.
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