Friday, February 03, 2006

Life without carbs?

...would be just horrible. If I can't have bread, I don't want nobody, baby. But I must admit, I'm quite surprised to learn that a couple of weeks without my yeasty friends aren't so awful. Planning meals that contain no "bad" carbs is not only easy, but thoroughly enjoyable as it stirred up some creative juices in me. The food has been healthy and frankly, extremely satisfying. Although I am looking forward to a slice of crusty French baguette topped with some pâté in my near future, the last two weeks or so of low- carb eating has enlightened (and hopefully lightened!) me.

Example of a low carb meal from this past week: Bruschetta Halibut, Oyster and Crimini Mushrooms Sautéed with Garlic and White Wine and a green salad.

Bread who?



Geoffrey Milder said...

I've never met a carbohydrate I didn't like.

shaz said...

hi there tokyoastrogirl
its been a while since i dropped by. Hi hi there. keep up the great blogging!