I just got tagged for the ever-present "4 x 10" meme via Santos at The Scent of Green Bananas. Although it morphed into an LA-4x10 thanks to the fine folks at Franklin Avenue, I had to do it without the LA theme since I don't know if I could answer everything based around Los Angeles. Also, it seems to have shrunk to a "4 x 8." So, here goes!
Four Jobs I’ve Had In My Life:
1)My first job was scooping ice cream at Haagen Daz in the local mall. I quit after three weeks due to this annoying boy who would lock me in the freezer and constantly harass me. The best thing about working there was standing in a teeny tiny corner of the shop that the security cameras couldn't reach and eating the key lime pie and macadamia nut brittle ice creams. Yum.
2) Waitress at two different IHOPs- I'd work at one for the breakfast shift and then go to the other for the dinner shift. And yes, I had to say "Rooty Tooty Fresh N Fruity" on a daily basis.
3) I worked in artist management for almost three years. I finally got fed up with band members who didn't have a clue about how money works (if you spend all of it, you are broke and no, it isn't my fault), how life works (yes, even YOU have to have your passport to get on a plane to Germany) or how relationships work (if you constantly cheat on your wife, she will leave you) so I got out before I physically hurt anyone.
4)Import indie rock buyer for Tower Records in Shibuya- Tokyo, Japan. It was like shopping, but instead of buying for myself, I'd be buying for the biggest Tower in the world and pushing my tastes onto the unknowing Japanese public. It was great.
Four Movies I Could Watch Over And Over:
1)Mrs. Doubtfire. I laugh out loud every single time. The beatiful San Francisco scenery doesn't hurt either.
2)Some Kind of Wonderful. Yeah, I'm a sucker for 80's teen drama, even though all of the actors in it look like they're pushing 30.
3)Blade Runner. Rutger Hauer's speech at the end always makes me tear up. He just wanted to LIVE, Harrison!!!
4)Shawshank Redemption. One of the best movies ever.
Four Places I’ve Lived (With Food Memories From Each):
1) Cherokee Village, Arkansas: picking wild raspberries and blackberries and eating them, then promptly getting sick, but then doing it again the next day and the next.
2) Tokyo, Japan: Mixed sandwiches at the 7-Eleven, chicken doria from the local cafe in Nogata, fantastic Chinese food at this little place near Nakano station, pumpkin korokke and kastuo no tataki at Tengu....too many to list!
3) Temple City, CA (suburb in San Gabriel Valley): Walking with my family to Mama Petrillos and getting the square, thick sausage pizza. Getting slightly dressed up to go get stuffed potato skins at The Velvet Turtle while my dad sipped Irish coffee. Ah, memories;).
4) Los Angeles, CA: Shrimp burritos at La Fuente, cocoa crepe at Parkway Grill....again, so many.
Four Shows I Love(d) To Watch:
1) Brady Bunch. I would CRY to my mom that I could never be in the Brady Bunch because I have black hair and the song goes "Hair of gold, like their mother." I was actually depressed about it.
2) LOST. Can't live without it.
3) Barefoot Contessa- everything is just so fabulous.
4) A Cook's Tour. I LOVE Anthony Bourdain and miss this show terribly.
Four Places I've vacationed:
1) Nice, France- we went last summer and, not really being beachy-types, fell in LOVE with the place. What's not to like about laying on the beach, drinking rose, eating thin-crust pizzas and watching beautiful people walk around with barely anything on? I'm hetero but damn- I have never seen so many beautiful boobs in all my life.
2) Vancouver, Canada. Beautiful mountains, oceans. Fabulous food and the friendliest people. I wish I could live there.
3) Italy- Bologna, Milan, Tuscany, Venice. Pizza, daily.
4) Japan- Osaka and Tokyo. We always seem to be there during the summer which means heat and humidity galore.
Four Websites I Visit Daily:
1) The Girl Who Ate Everything. This girl's musings on food make me laugh out loud.
2) Blue Lotus. Impressive Japanese cooking by a Canadian woman living in Japan.
3) Chubby Hubby. Witty entries and gorgeous photography.
4) Epicurious.com: always looking for new recipes on this one.
Four Of My Favorite Foods :
1) Tuna toast- tuna mixed with Kewpie mayo, dijon mustard, relish, diced red onion, salt and extra pepper spread GOOD, thick Japanese bread and toasted.
2) Foie gras torchon with toast points. Love love love.
3) A big bowl of pappardelle with any sort of bolognese, ragu or confit. The version with lamb bolognese at Pete's Cafe is one of my favorites
4) Sushi- my favorites are anago, salmon, aji and kohada.
Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1) In Vancouver with my husband, trekking around and eating!
2) At Burke Williams getting a massage and sitting in the whirpool. I just discovered the joys of the whole spa thing and it really is soooo nice.
3) Experimenting in my kitchen
4) Hanging out with my best friend doing anything since it's rare now that she lives in Nashville.
To Shaz, Obachan and Sarah, consider yourselves tagged (with no obligation, of course!).

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